Cognitive Satisfaction!

Utsukushii Jinsei
2 min readJan 14, 2023

What is cognitive satisfaction?

Hello everyone, I have not written on here for a very long time, but I had something to finally wright about.

Photo by Jorne Hermans on Unsplash

Cognitive Satisfaction:

What I mean by this is satisfying that itch in your brain for a challenge of sorts. A challenge that is hard enough to just figure out but not so that you can’t solve it.

My satisfaction is harder to come by because things can’t be overly easy or complicated, but they also have to be entertaining enough so that I don't get bored and just end it and go do something else.

I have ADHD so my mind wonders easy and also likes to be challenged. When my brain isn’t satisfied with what it's doing then it makes me irritated easily and bored, so I tend to just sleep this makes for a unhealthy lifestyle that can be hard to get out of.

Side Effects of Not Satisfying Cognitive Abilities:

  1. Stress: When you can’t satisfy your brain then you might start to feel bad that you couldn’t do something or aren’t doing something. This can cause stress in most people and lead to a small bit of depression.
  2. Anxiety: Anxiety and stress go hand in hand with one another most of the time when you're feeling one, you're feeling the other. That is normal. A Helpful thing to do is a very small task like making your bed or finishing a page of a book you been wanting to start.

These side effects are the main 2 that will occur, and these 2 side effects can lead to larger ones like depression.

Some ways to help with these side effects:

  1. Meditation: I do this for about 5 minutes after I get off work and helps me calm down or when I'm doing something, and I get off task I get up and do 5 minutes then go get water then get back to work.
  2. Go for a mile walk or run just get some fresh air and clear your head. Don’t think about work or what your goanna does when you get home just think about the stuff around you and how beautiful it is.
  3. Set up a timer between the task you want to do like 10 min breaks then 15 min of work helps keeps you from burning out.


Now you see make sure to satisfy your brain by doing small tasks, so you don’t stress or get anxious about not doing anything. Also Make sure to give yourself some you time. Just remember to relax life will be OKAY!

Have a good day!



Utsukushii Jinsei

I am a hobbyist writer who does stories every now and then on, Computer and technology, or Anxiety and life.