I'm stumped

Utsukushii Jinsei
1 min readJul 29, 2022

Why can’t I write

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I am currently stumped in my writing I have been thinking about things I know that I can talk about, but nothing really came to mind I don’t write much in a factual sense but in a questioned. Everything I write is me asking a question about something I know. I then go on to talk about it and create thoughts about it that build on to that question.

With my current science and technology knowledge I can’t choose what to write about. I also realized that with all the time I had I am not doing anything productive with it and I don’t know how to fill it I want to find new ways to make money I want to learn new things, but I have no motivation to do so.

I am open to ideas on business, side hustles and writing topics you would like to see.




Utsukushii Jinsei

I am a hobbyist writer who does stories every now and then on, Computer and technology, or Anxiety and life.