Politics What About Them?

Utsukushii Jinsei
6 min readAug 8, 2022
Photo by Joakim Honkasalo on Unsplash

This article might be a bit political so if you don't like politics this is your warning. I grew up between two houses opposed to each other's beliefs. One republican the other democratic. Me I stand in between I never care who the president is and I still don't care now they will make mistakes and help all the same there human most of the time people forget this when voting and act as if they are God's that can't be touched as long as you meet the requirements you can run it's just easier if you know how to talk and persuade people to their cause. Just because a president says he will do something doesn't mean he has to just because a person is running as a Democrat doesn't mean ounce, they are in office that they have to follow democratic views. Politics is a psychological game that people play you just have to know if you're the player or the piece that is just used to win. That's why many businessmen and actors have been president is because they know what to say and when to say it and what will make at least 50 percent of Americans happy.


Why in today's time people can't be friend if they have different political views, I don't understand people threaten and beat each other up because a person thinks they have a better opinion. Well, if you have an opinion, it's okay to express it but has anyone thought to go hey now is not the time and place. Online go ahead you'll get back lash, but no physical harm is done. But say at a public event keep it to yourself unless you want problems. Another thing is that people get offended to easily in this day and age idk why maybe because we got too greedy to rich maybe peace time and prosperity has all made us entitled to where we care to much about so much.

Religion and state

Who here knows who has most power over the countries decisions if you say the president your wrong! It's the house and the senate. Congress to be exact. I believe and again my opinion alone so doesn't get offended I'm not trying to offend anyone. But in our government, it clearly states that state and religion are to be separate from one another well if you're in any positions of government and you are religious then that automatically makes it, so your beliefs are swayed by your religion there for making religion and state does not separate. If a congressman is working expressing an opinion it should only be allowed to be passed or even heard if it has no correlation to his religious beliefs. If your religion doesn't support birth control, then you should have no right to put an opinion on birth control because there for your now bring religious beliefs into the government and state. To me this makes great sense since that's what our government is meant to be run by is people not religion. I'm not referring to rode V wade or whatever I couldn't care less about that im just giving an example. Such as if your religion says that you shall not kill but were on the edge of war you better say hey let's prepare for war load up the ships and planes because we got to fight. By all means try it Diplomatically first but if that don't work get ready to fight.


People who sit and whine about the minimum wage don't realize how it affects everything like God use your brain. If I'm now paying you more, I now have to fire this guy to make up for it or I have to bump up the prices of my product to help pay for it which may make it, so people don't want to buy, and I have to fire you anyway. That's inflation right there at its finest. So, stop raising minimum wage it doesn't do anything.

Also, people who say print more money to give to the poor it's the same thing more money in circulation means your dollar is now worth less because there is now more of it to go around like the rarity of a playing card the more of that card is made the less its worth.


Okay so crime in America hey look all the shootings and killing. Okay get rid of guns oh wait people are still being shot. Defund the police because they are too aggressive wait there is no cop to call to stop the guy who's shooting people if only there was a law-abiding citizen to help shoot him to stop.

This is the thing I don't understand you take away people's guns then what's left every illegal gun that criminals can get regardless and probably for cheaper from the black market. I mean look at Japan they have no guns and yakuza/Mafia still have guns hmmm I wonder how they got those? Defund the police no no no reform the police given them retraining and arrest or punish anyone who is corrupt. When there are less cops that means there is more gangs and mafia who take their places. One thing that would help our crime rate is people having good jobs available to them. A safe society filled with enough cops that law enforcement that you feel safe to walk the streets of your own city. My city I live in has 2 cops total, but they do their best that's. 1 cop every like 1500 people. Guess what we get reports of break ins and speeding all the time and when the cops show up there gone because our city has to ask for help from others to help protect it, we don't have cops on patrol 24/7 most places should.

Factors that crime depends on.

  1. Poverty: people with no money will more likely break the law to get money than people who have money.
  2. Lack of law enforcement: no law enforcement means people can do what they want when they want only way for them to fix it is to have more cops than there is crime
  3. Mental illness: this is one of the hard ones and I don't know how to go about even handling it.

These Are some of the strongest factors that relate to crime.

One last thing about politics.


Why is every now so far left or far right why can't we have more middle people. Who are like life is good, but I still like to shoot my guns. Or government is annoying but a little is okay. Everyone is either like nah life is sacred ban guns and give everyone their rights, the other is no ban on guns no government involvement at all let us suck off religion and go back to the 1910s. Why can't we have both just mix take the good of all and throw it together. We'll depends on. What's good to you. I believe government shouldn't be involved that much in people's lives but just enough to where we are safe, religion shouldn't be allowed in government at all, guns are okay, but everyone has a personal right to do what you want with your body I believe weed is a great economic use of a drug that isn't overly harmful.

But just because I have these beliefs it doesn't mean I can't be friend who a person far left or right we might not agree but that doesn't make you a bad person it just means we are human and have our own beliefs who is living to what they think is best for them and I won't judge or think that their way is any less important than mine.




Utsukushii Jinsei

I am a hobbyist writer who does stories every now and then on, Computer and technology, or Anxiety and life.