What To Do When You Graduate High School!

Utsukushii Jinsei
2 min readAug 10, 2022

If you just graduated high school, then these are somethings that you should probably do if not done already.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

Take a break

This might come to a surprise for some but seriously take like a week go hang out with friends relax take a mini vacation and just do fun things. I wouldn’t go past 2 weeks.

Some ideas for a mini vacation are…

  1. An amusement park with friends or family
  2. Go camping get away from everyday life and relax with nature
  3. Explore your town. Go ride a bike and just explore what your town has to offer find all of its little secrets
  4. Go on hikes
  5. go to an arcade or movie with friends

Look for first job if you don’t already have one

A job is a big thing after high school some of you might be going to college others might just want to go straight to work either way a first job is great even if it is just a summer job or part time for those going to college it helps create just a little more spending money also helps keep you social with people such as coworkers and customers.

Make time for your friends

Make time for the friends you have held on to through high school. Go and do things such as lunch or a movie. You can lose a friendship if you are not careful enough and don’t make time for each other.

Start a side gig

If you want to make more money start a simple side gig. Know you cannot probably live off of this side gig, but it will help pay bills and buy you things that you want.

Some simple side gigs are, blogging, writing, setting up a print on demand shop or the 100 + ideas you can find on YouTube just do research and find what's best for you.


This is such a big thing to start doing and practicing make sure you are setting a buget that you want to spend each month and if you didn’t spend all of it the previous month then put that money in saving and just take out your budgeted amount for this month. I only keep 4 to 500 as spending money rest goes into savings. By the time I'm age 20 I'll have probably close to 20k saved up.

Also start looking into investing and other opportunities to make money. money rules our country so make as much of it as possible.

Side tip stay at your parents as long as you can its cheaper




Utsukushii Jinsei

I am a hobbyist writer who does stories every now and then on, Computer and technology, or Anxiety and life.